Polymarket: How Prediction Markets Work in Web3

Learn how Polymarket, a leading decentralized prediction market, uses blockchain to enable crypto betting on real-world events. Discover its benefits, risks, and how it compares to traditional platforms.
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Sep 13, 2024
Polymarket: How Prediction Markets Work in Web3

Polymarket: A Comprehensive Guide to Decentralized Prediction Markets

Prediction markets are rapidly gaining popularity within the cryptocurrency and Web3 ecosystem. One of the most notable platforms in this space is Polymarket, a decentralized prediction market where users can speculate on the outcome of real-world events using cryptocurrencies. Whether it's political elections, sports outcomes, or economic forecasts, Polymarket allows traders to leverage blockchain technology for betting on various events. This article will dive deep into how Polymarket works, its benefits and risks, and its potential future within the crypto landscape.

Table of Contents

  • What is Polymarket?
  • Understanding Prediction Markets
  • How Polymarket Works
  • Technology Behind Polymarket
  • Benefits of Using Polymarket
  • Risks and Challenges
  • Getting Started with Polymarket
  • How SnapX Combines Prediction Markets With Tap-to-Earn
  • Alternatives to Polymarket
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Polymarket?

Polymarket is a decentralized prediction market platform built on the Polygon network, a Layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum. It allows users to bet on the outcome of real-world events using stablecoins like USDC. Polymarket stands out for its decentralized nature, meaning there is no central authority controlling the platform. Users connect their Web3 wallets to place bets, making the platform more private and accessible compared to traditional betting sites.
Polymarket has grown substantially since its launch in 2020, attracting a large number of users interested in speculating on political, sports, and economic events. By providing a transparent and secure way to bet on these outcomes, Polymarket epitomizes the growing importance of decentralized applications (dApps) within the Web3 and DeFi sectors.
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Understanding Prediction Markets

Prediction markets, often referred to as information markets or event derivatives, are platforms where participants can buy and sell shares based on the probability of an event occurring. These markets aggregate information from a wide range of participants, creating a collective forecast that often surpasses traditional polling or expert predictions.
For example, participants on Polymarket may bet on whether a political candidate will win an election. As more traders buy shares, the price of those shares adjusts to reflect the perceived likelihood of the outcome. This real-time price discovery mechanism embodies the wisdom of the crowd, making prediction markets a valuable tool for forecasting.

How Polymarket Works

Polymarket operates as a decentralized, non-custodial platform. Here’s how it works:
  1. Choose an Event: Users select a market or event, such as an upcoming election or a sports match.
  1. Buy Shares: Traders purchase shares representing the probability of an outcome. For example, "Yes" shares might be priced at $0.70 if the market believes there’s a 70% chance a candidate will win.
  1. Trade Shares: Users can buy or sell shares at any time before the event resolution. If the event happens as predicted, your shares can be redeemed for $1 each. If not, they become worthless.
  1. Market Resolution: The outcome is verified, and the smart contract settles the market. If the result is ambiguous, Polymarket’s Market Integrity Committee (MIC) steps in to resolve disputes.

Technology Behind Polymarket

Polymarket leverages a combination of Ethereum smart contracts and the Polygon Layer-2 network to provide scalability and low transaction fees. Here are the key components:
  • Smart Contracts: All trades and resolutions are automated via smart contracts, ensuring transparency and tamper-proof transactions.
  • Polygon Network: As a Layer-2 solution, Polygon reduces the gas fees associated with Ethereum, allowing Polymarket to handle high transaction volumes without congestion.
  • Non-Custodial Wallets: Users connect their non-custodial Web3 wallets like MetaMask to the platform, ensuring they maintain full control over their funds.
This decentralized infrastructure ensures that Polymarket remains secure, transparent, and scalable.

Benefits of Using Polymarket

Polymarket offers several advantages over traditional betting platforms:
  1. Decentralization and Privacy: Unlike centralized platforms, Polymarket doesn’t require KYC (Know Your Customer) checks, offering better privacy for users.
  1. Low Fees: Thanks to its use of the Polygon network, Polymarket offers minimal transaction fees, making it more cost-effective than Ethereum-based competitors.
  1. Market Liquidity: Liquidity providers ensure that users can easily buy and sell shares with minimal slippage. This enhances the overall trading experience.
  1. Real-Time Price Discovery: Polymarket's markets are driven by collective intelligence, often providing more accurate probabilities than traditional polls or expert predictions.
  1. User Empowerment: By allowing users to connect their own wallets, Polymarket gives them full control over their funds and trades, embodying the principles of decentralized finance (DeFi).

Risks and Challenges

While Polymarket offers many benefits, there are also risks associated with using the platform:
  1. Market Volatility: Prices for outcome shares can be highly volatile, especially around major events like elections or economic announcements.
  1. Regulatory Concerns: Polymarket has faced regulatory challenges, including a $1.4 million fine from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). As a result, U.S. residents are restricted from using the platform.
  1. Technical Risks: As a decentralized platform, Polymarket relies on smart contracts, which may be vulnerable to bugs or exploits. Users must also manage their private keys securely to avoid losing funds.
  1. Market Manipulation: Large traders or "whales" could potentially sway market prices, creating opportunities but also risks for smaller participants.

Getting Started with Polymarket

Here’s how you can get started:
  1. Sign Up: Visit Polymarket’s website and connect your Ethereum-compatible wallet, such as MetaMask.
  1. Fund Your Wallet: Deposit USDC into your wallet. You can acquire USDC on centralized exchanges like Binance or KuCoin, or onramp via certain self-custodial crypto wallets.
  1. Choose a Market: Browse available markets, which range from political predictions to economic forecasts and sports betting.
  1. Place Your Bet: Purchase shares in an outcome you believe will happen. You can trade these shares before the market resolves or wait until the final outcome.
  1. Withdraw Funds: Once the market resolves, you can withdraw your USDC to your external wallet.

How SnapX Combines Coin Price Predictions With Tap-to-Earn on Telegram

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As prediction markets grow in popularity, various platform have emerged to satisfy the curiosity of audiences looking to explore decentralized betting options.
If you don’t want to spend your own hard-earned crypto on prediction markets, SnapX offers a fun and entertaining way to bet on coin prices with our Tap-to-Earn Telegram mini-app.
Simply open the SnapX Telegram mini-app and on the Home screen, decide if you would like to ‘Long’ or ‘Short’ the coin presented. You may also choose your leverage (x1, x25, x50 or x100) to amplify your potential gains. Once you choose to go Long or Short, the timer will count down for 5 seconds, and depending on whether the price has increased or decreased, you stand the chance to win Snap Points (SP); the heartbeat of the SnapX ecosystem.

Alternatives to Polymarket

Several other decentralized prediction markets exist, offering similar functionalities:


Augur, one of the earliest decentralized prediction markets, operates on the Ethereum blockchain and uses its native REP token for governance and dispute resolution. While Augur allows users to create their own markets, its reliance on REP can lead to higher costs compared to Polymarket.


Gnosis offers a broader range of services, including decentralized trading and wallet solutions. Its prediction market features are integrated with the Gnosis Chain, providing a more complex ecosystem geared toward Ethereum users.


Unlike Polymarket, PredictIt is a centralized prediction market regulated by U.S. authorities. While it offers ease of use, PredictIt imposes regulatory limits on trading and market creation, making it less flexible than decentralized platforms like Polymarket.


Polymarket is a powerful tool for cryptocurrency traders and Web3 enthusiasts looking to engage in decentralized prediction markets. It combines the collective intelligence of crowds with the security of blockchain technology, offering users a transparent and efficient way to speculate on real-world events. While there are risks, including regulatory and market volatility challenges, the potential rewards and innovative features make Polymarket an intriguing platform in the decentralized finance ecosystem.
Ready to start predicting and trading? Visit Polymarket to explore the markets and place your bets today, or try your hand at predicting coin prices on SnapX and earn SP in the process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Polymarket legit?

Yes, Polymarket is a legitimate decentralized prediction market platform. However, it has faced regulatory challenges, particularly in the U.S., where it is restricted.

How does Polymarket work?

Polymarket allows users to buy and sell shares predicting the outcome of real-world events. The prices of these shares reflect the probability of the event occurring, and users can profit if their predictions are correct.

How does Polymarket make money?

Polymarket generates revenue through small transaction fees paid by users. These fees are used to incentivize liquidity providers.

Polymarket vs PredictIt: What's the difference?

Polymarket is decentralized and operates on the Polygon network, offering lower fees and greater privacy. PredictIt is a centralized, U.S.-regulated platform with higher fees and trading limits.

What are Polymarket’s fees?

Polymarket charges minimal fees, primarily in USDC, to cover transaction costs and incentivize liquidity providers.

Can I use Polymarket in the U.S.?

No, Polymarket is currently not available to U.S. residents due to regulatory restrictions.

What is a prediction market?

A prediction market is a platform where participants can bet on the outcome of future events, with prices reflecting the collective probability of different outcomes.

What are liquidity providers in Polymarket?

Liquidity providers supply funds to ensure that markets have enough liquidity for users to trade shares seamlessly. They earn transaction fees in return.
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